Become a donor
Help our Catalina by becoming a donor!

We need your help!
We need your support to keep the finest flying boat of the world airborne. The aim of Foundation Catalina Exploitation PH-PBY is to maintain and operate the Catalina PH-PBY. If you want to fly with the Catalina, you must be a donor/friend for at least a year. This is done for you as you report for “fly along” .
A separate foundation exist in order to support the Catalina Exploitation Foundation financially. The exploitation foundation is financially supported by gifts, donations and sponsors in order to gain possession of the Catalina and keep her as Historical Heritage. We invite you sincerely to become a friend of the Catalina. We offer the following possibilities:
Catalina PH-PBY friend for € 70 annually. You will receive the aviation magazine Verenigde Vleugels (United Wings) and our newsletter per email or post.
There is a reduced rate for juniors up to and including 16 years or seniors above 65 years of € 30 annually.
If you do not want to become a friend of the Catalina but want to support us anyhow we welcome any gift big or small. Our bank account number is:
**** with BIC code: ****
in the name of: Stichting Vrienden van de Catalina PH-PBY at Lelystad Airport.