Flying through history

Welcome on board!
of the Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina. The oldest (1941) and without doubt the finest flying Catalina of the world.
Leystad, juni 1 2019
Travel report of may 30 and 31
Route from wick to reijkjavik
Early wake up of our fawlty towers hotel in a place 30 min from wick. For us 30 min but for the Scots 15 min.
At the airport very friendly reception by mother and two sons who run the facilities company there.
The HF Antenna is made and all suits and boats have been loaded. Without no much delay, we left on the way to Iceland
Beautiful at 5000 ft, the engines turned perfectly. Pretty soon it became very quiet on the frequency, and along the Faroe Islands, some whales were spotted by some of the crew.
After a 3 hour, many of them became very cold and great gratitude to prudent because of the bag with goodies (pole suits) of the Marines. Iceland came in sight and what a beautiful image, beautiful weather and view of the snowy mountains
A beautiful landing on Reijkjavik where we parked the plane.
While we were busy to cover the plane, the request came in from Rob Collings to fly a round with his family, and who else wanted, so everything and everyone back on board!!! The Great Icelandic lakes were there like this Inviting to that it couldn’t be any other way to make a splash and go there and a full stop. That the local authorities had made a beautiful nature area of that was good to see it was beautiful
Of course, we didn’t get to work without permission and consulting.
Consumption of oil and fuel is all very beautiful.
The next morning everyone got up quietly and made the breakfast plans. Willem and Jan have started to pull the oil filter of the left engine and check it out, virgin beauty was the result.
Also, other chores have been carried out to get our cat back in perfect condition
Rogier, Peter and the undersigned went for a ride to take a look at the island.
Still, there was still a lot of paper work to be done at the last minute.
Also, we had to visit KEF to view the tank installation.
The possibility is being studied to fly to goose bay from here at once.
Rogier and Christiaan (the pilots) view all the possibilities.
Tomorrow the airshow and demo and ferry to kef???
We’re trying to report again tomorrow
Christian soeteman
Lelystad, may 30 2019
Here is the travel report of the crew of the first flying day.
Travel Report from PH-PBY Catalina
Day 1 Lelystad the Netherlands – Wick Scotland
Final destination: New Smyrna Beach, Florida, USA
After arriving at Lelystad Airport, an exciting and nevertheless charged day started. After the Cat had expertly driven out of the hangar, he was taken to our starting point on the platform.
Inside, for all participants in the formation, the Fokker Four held a briefing in the person of Theun Miedema about our goodbye moment. Kites from the Fokker Four, the Harvard, Ben Ullings, the PH DUK and the DDA who all participated were present. All details were discussed thoroughly and in detail. Was again such a well-known wonderful moment of togetherness in Dutch historical aviation!
Trough passport control, and onto the platform for the last time. All the airplanes shining beautifully in the sun! Our loyal volunteers, friends and family were said hello. Here and there some emotion in the voices of even the toughest men and women!
After the start of the engines … a beautiful sound! We had to wait a while to warm all the oil to the right operating temperature. After we were taxied to the track, the Lelystad fire department brought us an attentive greeting. The last checks were done and we were done!
Given all the commotion and parties involved in the departure, Rogier and Christiaan were not dissatisfied with the timing.
The take-off was, just like the many before, very beautiful. We quietly climbed to 1000 ft and set course for Dronten where the Fokker Four was ready to join. Perfect timing, and in formation, a final pass over Lelystad .. A beautiful and charged moment. Many thanks to all involved!
On the way to Den Helder, we also took some photos ourselves from the Catalina to capture a memorable moment in an old-fashioned way. The PHDUK, Dakota, Texan everything and everyone has come into their own. Ben Ullings has made fantastic photos. Together with the Dakota , we passed De Kooy and paid a visit to Ed de Bruin on Texel.
After saying goodbye to the Dakota, the iPad was started and course was set for Wick Scotland.
The weather conditions were good, the sun let the Catalina shine. we flew in a straight line to Wick. On board it was pleasant. The sun, sea, waves and clouds gave peace and – despite the height – a warm feeling. After 4 hours of flying, a beautiful landing was madeat Wick
After the landing we loaded oil, fuel, rafts and survival suits. A small complaint with the HF antenna is also fixed here.
After a long day we are now with 8 people in a village – far from home and hearth – in the northernmost tip of Scotland. We get to know the new crew better and during dinner the most beautiful stories about historic aviation and the Catalina flowed lavishly!
Although it is a very sad situation that the Catalina has had to leave the Netherlands, we can already notice: she is getting a fantastic new nest with very special people at the helm!
Tomorrow we are leaving for Reykjavik where we will report “sunk Sub open Club” at the first contact with Iceland ”
Just like on August 20, 1942 when “our” plane made the report.
Today we will report again!
Lelystad, 28 mei 2019
Dear Fan’s,
The departure spot is indeed in front of de Control Tower of Lelystad Airport. Time will be 10.00. We place the Catalina about 09.00 on the platform. The DC3 of the DDA join us on the platform, many volunteers of our Foundation fly with the DC3 in formation with the Catalina for about half an hour.
Today all preparations have been done. Every thing that is needed for the trip is loaded, fuel filled up for the flight tomorrow to the first stop: Wick Airport in North Scotland.
You are very welcome to say goodbye tomorrow. Theire is room enough en a good view on the platform to follow the all startup and departure.
See you tomorrow morning.
Lelystad, mai 21 2019
Dear Followers,
The 50hrs inspection is ready. Now we need the time to get all the stuff on board, that is needed for the ferryflight. Basicly the Cat itself is ready for the flight.
Yesterday mai 20 the engines run up again to lubricate and warm up the oil.
For the ferryflight is needed a HF long range radio, and of course the wire antenne. An HF radio was no needed in Europe because theire are stations enough to the horizon. So also the wire antenne is installed during the inspection. The Cat now looks a little bit different.
Departure hour is coming soon. Is now planned on Wednesday mai 29 at 10.00. Place of departure is until now not definitif. It will probable be the platform near by the Control Tower. Confirmation follows as soon as possible.
Lelystad, may 13 2019
Dear Followers,
This is the planned route of the ferryflight to the USA of the Catalina.
Lelystad to Wick Airport North Scotland 460 Nm is 851 km
Wick Airport to BIKR Reykjavik Iceland 670 Nm is 1240 km
Reykjavik to BGBW Narsasuak Greenland is 670 Nm is 1240 km
Narsasuak to Goose Bay Newfoundland Canada is 610 Nm is 1129 km
Goose Bay to KBGR Bangor Maine USA is 200Nm is 370km
From this point the route can be changed. Until now it will be:
Bangor to Boston Massachusetts USA is 450Nm is 833km
Boston to T.B.N. ?? is 450 Nm is 833 km
T.B.N. to New Smyrna is end of trip.
Changes are possible at any time. We try to keep you informed.
Lelystad, may 10 2019
Now the Catalina will become a 50 hrs inspection. This is necessary because there are to few hours left for the ferry flight to the USA. For the ferry flight is needed at least 45 flying hours.
Wednesday may 15e the engines will run up in front of the hangar because they are not conservated now.
Than on many requests, the first fuel stop place on the route to, will be Wick Airport, in Scotland.
We keep you informed on this page.
October 2018
Dear donors and volunteers,
On 10 October 2018 the transfer of our Catalina to the new owner was completed in the hangar of the Catalina. As you can hear and see on the video of Omroep Flevoland, (see the link below), the new owner, the Collings Foundation in America, is very pleased with the purchase, and we as volunteers now have some peace with it, because the Catalina is well placed. The Catalina remains in our hangar during this coming winter and leaves it for ferry to the USA next spring (probably May 2019).
Officially from October 5 2018 the Catalina is no longer in Dutch possession and we are very sorry that no solution has been found to keep the Catalina in the Netherlands. Due to the very high expenses since last spring and the lack of income our Operating Foundation (SEC) ended up in heavy weather. The interested parties will be informed about this, this month.
Those who have given us an authorization for the annual donation will no longer be charged. The authorizations are no longer used from now on.
The Board of the Friends of the Catalina Foundation would like to thank you for the support we received from you for many years. More news follows.
https://www.omroepflevoland.nl/nieuws/164510/catalina-in-mei-definitief- naar-amerika
With best regards,
Board of Friends of the Catalina Foundation
Board of Exploitation of the Catalina Foundation
For quite some time a group of volunteers has been occupied with restoring aeroplanes for display in museums. Of course part of the reason was to avoid that historical heritage would disappear abroad. During the organisation of the 50 year jubilee of Squadrons 320 and 321, the oldest Dutch Air force squadrons, several initiatives were taken. One of those was the founding of Stichting Neptune Association(SNA). This way, with support of the Dutch Navy, we hoped to prevent that historical heritage would disappear and it offered structure for the organisation.
Our activities were certainly noticed. There are not many organisations that restore aeroplanes with volunteers. Also stood out that most restoration projects were related to the military. The main players of the SNA all worked at Navy Airbase Valkenburg so an perfect working situation developed for the Stichting.
Our home
Home of the Catalina is at Lelystad Airport (the Netherlands), in the Catalina hangar. From October 1, 2016 it will also be home of the DDA (Dutch Dakota Classic Airlines). So a hangar with historic aircrafts.
From this base the Catalina is serviced and ready prepared to fly. For sight seeing flights we can start from various places, such as the hangar itself, or from Museum Theme Park Aviodrome. For an event, there are various possibilities.
Anyway Lelystad Airport is our base.
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